Anna Novion
Born to a Swedish mother and to a French father, Anna (or Anne) Novion enrolled at the University of Saint-Denis to study cinema. A few years later not only had she got her diploma but she had obtained a practical master's degree as well. And as if was not enough to prove her qualities, the young woman took a "DEA" (post-graduate degree) at Jussieu, the subject of her thesis being "Anguish, Guilt and Despair in Bergman's oeuvre". She directed three shorts as part of her film studies("Frédérique est française", in 2000, "Chanson entre deux", in 2001, and On prend pas la mer quand on la connaît pas (2005). Fascinated by Sweden, she chose this country as the setting - both physical and moral - of her first two features, Les grandes personnes (2008), presented the Cannes Film festival (in the Film Critics Week section) and Rendez-vous à Kiruna (2012).