Shuudertsetseg Baatarsuren
Baatarsuren Togtokhbayar (Mongolian born January 18, 1971), known by her pen name Shuudertsetseg is a Mongolian journalist, author, filmmaker, and humanitarian.She has received numerous Mongolian literary awards including 'Featured Book' awards in 2007 for her novel (Coral Bracelet) and in 2008 for her (Shuudertsetseg). Her 2010 novel (The Legendary Queen Anu) was named National Book of the Year for Mongolian Literature.In 2012 she wrote the screenplay for, produced, and directed the film version of film was released internationally as "Warrior Princess". Her last produced and co-directed feature film was "Wrestling Princess"
In addition to her film and writing careers, Shuudertsetseg is noted for her humanitarian efforts. In 2008, the Organizing Committee of Amnesty International Mongolia named her "Human Rights Activist of the Year" for her contributions to gender equality and human rights. She sits on the International Board of Directors of the Mongolian Women's Fund and is a member of Amnesty International's women's group. In 1996, while working as a reporter at the daily newspaper (People's Right), she was named "Journalist of the Year" for her stories on children's rights.