Tony Bouza
Anthony V. (Tony) Bouza is a retired police officer who served in the New York City Police Department from 1953 to 1976. At the NYPD, he initially served as a detective in the undercover unit, the Bureau of Special Services and Investigation (BOSSI) rising to the rank of Assistant Chief and Commander of the Bronx.
In 1976, Bouza was featured in the seminal TV documentary The Police Tapes. He served as Deputy Chief of the New York City Transit Police from 1977 to 1979.
He was brought to Minneapolis by Mayor Donald Fraser, who when newly elected in 1980, wanted an outsider and a reformer to head the department following a series of scandals under his predecessor. He retained Bouza for a total of three three-year terms: Tony served as police chief of the Minneapolis Police Department from 1980 to 1989.
Since retiring from policing, Tony Bouza has testified for the defense in many trials across the country alleging police mistreatment.
Bouza writes a monthly column for the Minneapolis community paper Southside Pride.
Tony is also the author of numerous books, some of which he highly recommends for those with insomnia.