Aneesha Madhok é conhecida pelo seu trabalho em Slightly Comedic, The Dancer Girl (2017) e Texas Law.
7 Y Old Aneeshwar Kunchala has developed a passion towards the natural world since he was 4. For the last 3 years, , he became an inspirational role model for future generations by spreading his positive message to millions of children and adults around the world through his creativity of art, poetry, wildlife documentaries, public speaking and other social activities like litter pick and tree plantation. He raise awareness through love, passion and drive children and youth into conservation and sustainable living. His selfless voluntary service, commitment and love towards the natural world has allowed him to integrate more into the community. With his exemplary work and his positive impact on the local community, he has been invited to represent the UK in COP27 - Six ways to save the planet documentary and it was resourceful and well received by the world leaders across the world. He made it to the Britains Got talent finals and another : Got Talent - All stars though his poetry on climate change. He also made 6 international appearances to spread his message to millions of people & the world leaders. Aneeshwar showed amazing courageous advocacy when he used Britain's Got Talent and other forums as a platform to educate and inspire millions of people around the world about the natural world. Aneeshwar's selfless contributions to the natural world has been recognised internationally, Young Scientific Explorer 2021, Global Child Prodigy award 2022 at Dubai, Blue Peter Gold Peter badge, British Young Citizen Award 2022 (BCyA) , Young Climate Change Leader - Points of the light award by UK Prime minister, British future role model - H&M Campaign and many others. Aneeshwar's documentaries, poetry and art were shown in the schools and offices which has created positive impact on the children and families around the country to bring everyone in one theme of conservation. As part of the Regenerators, Aneeshwar has collaborated with CBBC for creating an online educational resources for children and the same is used at schools. He has also initiated planation to bring greener spaces and home for wildlife in the community. The same was featured in BBC Countryfile and it has inspired many across the country. Aneeshwar has created a significant impact on future generation across the country and world with his passion and incredible natural world knowledge. He has been called as next generation Sir David Attenborough and his love and passion for the natural world is infectious and it has been reached out to millions of people across the world to date. It's beautiful to see the world from the eyes of a 7 year old!!
Aneia Hamberg é conhecida pelo seu trabalho em Dirty Dealing 3D (2018).
Aneil Karia é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em The Long Goodbye (2020), Surto (2020) e Beat (2013).
Aneirin Hughes nasceu o 8 de maio de 1958 no Reino Unido. É ator, conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Cameleon (1997), EastEnders (1985) e Under Milk Wood (2015).
Aneisha Baxter é conhecida pelo seu trabalho em The Invite, Greed and Loyalty (2022) e The Secret of the Emerald Green and White Part 1 (2023).
Anel Perdomo é conhecida pelo seu trabalho em Wasp Network: Rede de Espiões (2019), Oculta (2016) e Matryoshka (2023).
Anele Beke é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Jozi Kings (2010) e O Anel do Rei: A Última Batalha (2018).
Anele Matoti é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Missão no Mar Vermelho (2019), O Mauritano (2021) e Agatha Christie's Marple (2004).