Alper Baytekin nasceu o 8 de agosto de 1988 em Bursa, Turquia. É ator, conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Jogo de Amor (2017), Leyla ile Mecnun (2011) e Hangimiz Sevmedik? (2016).
Alper Behzat Ocak é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Leyla ile Mecnun (2011), O Último Verão (2021) e A Arte de Amar (2024).
Alper Kul nasceu o 5 de dezembro de 1975 na Turquia. É ator e designer de produção, conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Güldür Güldür Show (2013), Ölümlü Dünya (2018) e Olur Olur (2014).
He is a Turkish actor. He is best known for popular youth series "Melekler Korusun", "Beni Boyle Sev". He played in Turkish air force army film "Anadolu Kartallari" and comedy films "Sag Salim", "Seni Seven Olsun","Badem Sekeri". With Birkan Sokullu, he played in "Bir Aile Hikayesi" adaptation of 'This is Us' and hit series "Masumlar Apartmani" for third time. With Ozge Ozpirincci, he played in surreal series "S-245" for twice. He graduated from tourism department for high school. He left to study at tourism department of Marmara University. He graduated from theatre department of Yeditepe University. Also, He plays folk dances including Caucasus.
Alper Yagmurcu é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Dirty Work (2018), Leyla ile Mecnun (2011) e Suskunlar (2012).
Alper Çankaya é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Cam Perde (2023), De Quem Estamos Fugindo? (2023) e Çukur (2016).
Alperen Duymaz nasceu o 3 de novembro de 1992 em Ancara, Turquia. É ator, conhecido pelo seu trabalho em O Último Verão (2021), Direnis Karatay (2018) e Zemheri (2020). É casado com Kübra Kelkit.
Alpha Barry é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Nada a Perder (1997), A Mão do Diabo (2001) e Perigo para a Sociedade (1993).
Alpha Kargbo é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em The Undeclared War (2022) e Bloods (2021).
Alpha Miknas is an Actor, Designer and Model based in Los Angeles, CA. He was born and raised in The Gambia, West Africa to Gambian/Lebanese parents. Alpha grew up playing street soccer in 100 degree weather, painting as well as dancing in his school talent shows in Gambia. He then graduated Highschool and move to PA,USA for college but was put back to 12th grade because of differences between the British and US school systems. He praises having had two senior proms in one year despite the huge cultural shifts of being the new foreign kid in school. He studied Chemical Engineering in a community college in Allentown, PA before having to move to Northern California due to an emergency. Then he realized that none of his hard-earned credits could transfer to universities outside PA, and would have to start all over. Alpha decided to move to Los Angeles, CA to pursue his creative side and show the world his unique cultural taste and essence.