Uditi Singh nasceu o 6 de abril de 1996. É atriz, conhecida pelo seu trabalho em Suspeito X (2023) e Himesh Reshammiya: Surroor 2021 (2021).
Udo Erasmus was born during the second world war in Europe. He has said that he was "born in hell and with a lot of help from visible and invisible friends", and has walked a long crooked path from there to heaven. He's tried out many things - there were brief jobs in fruit picking, dairy farming, logging, mining, carpentry, house painting, clearing land, gardening, and finally pesticide spraying - which would eventually change the course of his life. He spent a year in medicine and several years in science research. One winter, Udo babysat pickled fish in a fish museum. One summer, he worked for the fish and game branch. He also worked on a drilling, blasting, and prospecting crew in the mountains of British Columbia. In the 60's he tried drugs, couch-surfed, dabbled in trumpet, flute, and harmonica, sang in a choir (but more often in the shower), hitchhiked across Canada without a penny to his name, founded a nude beach, and lived in co-ops, communes, apartments and houses both in rural and urban settings. He even got married. A lover of biology, and convinced that pregnancy is not a disease, he attended the home-births of his three children and admits that his now ex-wife did almost all the work. But after being poisoned by pesticides in 1980, Udo seriously turned his passion and attention to health. He studied obsessively, developing the first ever flaxseed oil - and created a method for making good oils with health in mind. In 1994, he created an oil blend that is both better balanced and more effective than flax oil - Udo's Choice, which celebrated 25 years in 2019. Udo has authored several books on the effects of oils on health: Fats and Oils, Fats That Heal Fats That Kill, Choosing the Right Fats, and Omega 3 Cuisine. For 15 years, Udo spent 6-9 months a year living out of a suitcase to spread the message of good oils and health, and has graced stages with luminaries like Tony Robbins and Deepak Chopra. Udo has passionately given 5,000+ live presentations on nutrition and health, 3,000+ media interviews, and traveled to 30+ countries with his message on oils, health, nature, and human nature. Udo is also the author of The Book On Total Sexy Health, and is working on several other books, including an autobiography. He consults, presents, takes on the key global issues of our time, spearheading several multi-trillion dollar projects on peace, health, energy, environment, and education.
Udo Kier nasceu em Colônia, Alemanha.
Udo Samel nasceu o 25 de junho de 1953 na Alemanha. É ator, conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Mit meinen heißen Tränen (1986), A Camisinha Assassina (1996) e A Professora de Piano (2001).
Udoka Oyeka é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Coming from Insanity (2019), Three Thieves (2019) e When Love Happens Again (2016).
Udomsak Onkaew is known for Hurts Like Hell (2022).
Udomsartporn Praepetch é conhecida pelo seu trabalho em Me Tira Daqui (2021).
Uduoghene Alakpa is known for Breaded Life (2021), African Movie Channel Original Production - Hit List (2019) and Chaos Calling (2023).
Udzher the Dog é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Volshebnik Izumrudnogo goroda. Zlaya vedma (2027) e O Maravilhoso Mágico de Oz - Parte 1 (2025).
Ueli Jäggi nasceu o 8 de outubro de 1954 na Suíça. É ator, conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Donna Leon (2000), Die goldenen Jahre (2022) e Brandnacht (1992).