Season 5
E1.Bursting the Quarantine Bubble
E2.You Dim Sum, You Lose Some
E3.Kary'd Away
E4.Whine Connoisseurs
E5.Sour Grapes
E6.Another One Bites the Crust
E7.Getting Weird in Austin
E8.Austin, We Have a Problem
E9.The Doctor Is Out
E10.A Simmons by Any Other Name
E11.Mommy Dearests
E12.RV Having Fun Yet?
E13.Bigfoot, Bigger Drama
E14.A Doggone Mess
E15.Straight Outta the 80s
E16.Southfork Goes South
E17.Reunion (Part 1)
E18.Reunion (Part 2)